It’s movement. It’s breath. It’s a deep connection between your mind and your soul. It’s a feel good, make my day, I can accomplish anything kind of feeling. Pilates is for anyone, any age in any physical condition. Pilates does not
Discriminate. It’s for you, your grandma, your sister, your best friend…even your neighbor. Pilates is fun, makes you smile and will become one of the best hours of your day. I should know!! I am an instructor of 18 years and I have seen how this movement method makes people smile and come to life.
Articles from June 2014
Just Move…..
MOVE. just move, however you want, please just move a little everyday. Find your happy move and do it. Play music and dance around your home, just move.
Grab the baby stroller and walk outside, just move.
During commercial breaks stand up and do primitive squats, jumping jacks, jump rope or calf raises…just move.
Stand up away from your desk and take deep breaths in because breathing IS an exercise…just move.
Wash your car, ride your bike, take a brisk walk…WHATEVER, just move.
Park your car far away from all entrances, take the stairs, give up your seat at the airport and move…please just move.
This is about aging gracefully and being good to your body, this is where you will live forever…your body was designed to move…so please JUST MOVE, EVERDAY!
How many years have you been doing exercise?
How many classes have you attended?
How many instructors have you worked with?
How important is your teacher?
What is their role in your experience?
What traits make a good, well rounded instructor?
#1 Education: They are certified and willing on continuing their education on a yearly basis. They are well rounded in their practice and they EDUCATE you the
client and give you tools to use in everyday life. Tools you need because they canʼt be with you all day.
#2 Personality: You will spend more time with your exercise leader than with most of your best friends on a weekly basis. Does your teacher inspire you? Do they have a positive outlook on life? Do they make the class about you? Are they fun to hang around with? Can they answer your questions about fitness? When you leave, have you enjoyed your time with them?
#3 Experience: Practice makes perfect. Good teachers have had plenty of experience. They have worked in a variety of methods and know how to modify and take care of you. They have many techniques they can utilize and even in a group class are able to teach to a variety of levels.
#4 Punctuality: Does your teacher respect your schedule? Classes should start and finish on time. When you arrive, is your teacher there waiting for you relaxed and ready to take care of you?
#5 Personal Health: Do they keep good health habits? Are they at a healthy body weight? Do they eat well? Drink water or soda while teaching you? Do they have a positive outlook towards their own well being. Basically do they practice what they preach?